KIND Clusters

The Mighty Phoenix
2 min readAug 29, 2020

KIND stands for Kubernetes in Docker

What is a KIND cluster?

It is a very useful tool used to create local Kubernetes clusters on your laptop using Docker as the underlying container creation software. Please take a look at the official page for the KIND tool.

Why is KIND useful?

KIND makes it super easy to create a Kubernetes cluster on your laptop without needing any cloud provider for free! It is especially helpful if you are a developer who wants to mimic a k8s cluster environment in a matter of few minutes.

Installing KIND on Fedora32

Prerequisites: There are only two other things required for a KIND cluster:

Once you have GoLang and Docker on your system, we can install KIND simply by running the following commands.

$ curl -Lo ./kind
$ chmod +x ./kind
$ mv ./kind /some-dir-in-your-PATH/kind

If you are using some other non-unix OS please check out their official page for the specific instructions.

Note: To get the KIND cluster working on fedora32, we need to do the following hack as well. Look here for details on why this needs to be done.

Creating a KIND cluster

Now that we have installed the kind tool on our laptop, in order to launch a cluster, all we need to do is run:

$ kind create cluster

We can make changes to our kubernetes repo in our go path for development purposes and then rebuild our KIND cluster using the dev node image for testing. Super useful right?!

Playing around with KIND

To play around with your KIND cluster, it might be useful to install kubectl

After using the cluster you can simply delete it

$ kind delete cluster



The Mighty Phoenix

I shall always rise from my ashes more beautiful and stronger than before… No matter the hurdles I face…